“Citizens were concerned about the traffic generated by the successful new Market Place businesses combined with a large apartment complex - 30 years ago Superior Lane was found inadequate for just planned business upgrades at the Market Place ”
City Council Meeting - March 7, 2016
1. Larry Swank, resident of Scarlet Lane — spoke in opposition to the new apartment complex in Marketplace.
2. Mary Beth Blocker, 12419 Sussex Lane — also spoke in opposition to the residential development at Marketplace
Swank - Tonight the Market Place developer, Berman Enterprises, is on your agenda as the 1st item of New Business to discuss plans for a new apartment complex to fill the open space in the back of the Market Place shopping center. I have talked with many impacted neighbors who are concerned about preserving the neighborhood character our original section of Levitt Bowie. I want to share few of those concerns with the Council before you receive the Berman Enterprises presentation.
I am looking forward to the presentation tonight and wish to thank Berman Enterprises for this overview and the more informal “Stakeholder Meeting” set up for 7 PM tomorrow evening, March 8th, with the Bowie Department of Planning and Economic Development. I know there will be City public hearings at a later date, but I don’t want the Council to see an initial site plan presentation without getting a flavor of some citizen concerns.
Understand that citizen comments/concerns came from limited knowledge of actual plans and are based on information from the Bowie Blade News other non-developer sources. They are built around an assumption that the developer is planning a large 4-5 story, 300 unit apartment building to fill the open space in the back of the Market Place shopping center.
Citizen Comments/Concerns
(1) Citizens expressed astonishment at the size and density of the proposed apartment complex
(2) The homes near the Market Place average less than 3 dwellings per acre, whereas the planned apartment complex would approach 60 dwellings per acre
(3) The proposed dwellings at the Market Place are comparable to the number of dwellings in Foxhill, or Heather Hills, or Overbrook, or Princeton Square, or Saddlebrook West, or Belair Town
(4) The apartment complex would increase residential units in the S-Section by over one third with no planned infrastructure upgrades to roads, schools, etc.
(5) Overflow parking would impact access to Acorn Hill Park and residential street parking
(6) Citizens were concerned about the traffic generated by the successful new Market Place businesses combined with a large apartment complex - 30 years ago Superior Lane was found inadequate for just planned the business upgrades at the Market Place
(7) This project will impact more than the skyline of your neighborhood, it will change forever the makeup of our original section of Levitt Bowie
(8) Citizens expected 2 story townhouses or condominiums – in keeping with the prevailing character the neighborhood. They expected a smooth height transition from Market Place business to our existing single family homes. Even the unique 3 level architecture of lower appearing buildings such as the Willows Senior Community on Enfield Chase Court would match citizen expectations.
A. Bowie Marketplace Residential Development — Mr. Brian Berman with Berman Enterprises briefed Council on the status of the commercial development as well as planned concepts for the residential development at Marketplace. The commercial part is scheduled for a grand opening in September of 2016 with Harris Teeter as the anchor store as well as several other restaurants and stores like Petco, Sweet Frogs, and Firehouse Subs.
On the residential side; the design consists of 5 story apartment buildings with a total of 300 high quality units; 20% of those units will be dedicated for seniors and two parking garages. A stakeholders meeting will be held on March 8th, at 7 p. m. in City Hall that will be open to all residents for comments.
Councilmember Polangin asked if all units will be rental or will some be dedicated for ownership. Mr. Berman responded that they will all be rental with no subsidized housing, it will all be market rate.
Councilmember Esteve asked if there is any possibility of the buildings being lower than five stories. Mr. Berman responded that the design and architecture will disguise some of the height.
Councilmember Gardner asked for the status of the Shell station on the corner. Mr. Berman stated that the owners are uninterested in working with them. Councilmember Gardner also asked if the senior portion would be integrated with the other units or be separated. Mr. Berman responded it will be integrated.
Councilmember Trouth asked if there would be any social services for the senior residents. Mr. Berman replied that the units will have amenities for everyone as well as social events.
Councilmember Glass asked if the buildings would be gated or will there be 24-hour security on site. Mr. Berman responded that they have not yet finalized but the buildings will definitely not be gated.
Mayor Robinson thanked Mr. Berman for his presentation