Notes to the M-NCPPC Prince George's County Planning Board - Larry Swank

Notes to the M-NCPPC Prince George's County Planning Board for inclusion in the record for the meeting of 1/26/17 Conceptional Site Plan, Preliminary Plan #4-16028, and Detailed Site Plan for the proposed residential component of the Marketplace.  


Comments from Laurence C Swank, 12506 Scarlet Lane, Bowie, MD 20715 – 1/9/17

The 2006 Bowie and Vicinity Master Plan envisions a mixed-use activity center which includes the Marketplace. The plan sets forth a policy that “…development of Bowie Main Street not adversely impact the character of the existing residential neighborhood.” A key strategy of the plan is to “…transition in building density and intensity from more intense uses located at the core of Bowie Main Street along MD 450 to less intense uses along the edge, adjacent to residential neighborhoods.” The developer agreed in writing with the city to “… redevelop the Marketplace in accordance with the concepts contained in the Master Plan.” The developer elected to ignore key components of the Plan in development of the commercial component of the Marketplace and plans to do the same for the residential elements.

On 15 November, 2016 the Bowie Planning Department recommended Disapproval of the Conceptional Site Plan, Preliminary Plan #4-16028, and Detailed Site Plan for the proposed residential component of the Marketplace. The Bowie Advisory Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend DENIAL for the residential housing proposal. The Bowie Planning Department findings were well thought out and identified:

1)    Excessive density for both the available space on-site and the proximity to the adjacent residential neighborhood

2)    Excessive vehicle traffic on city streets that do not meet current City and County maximum service volume, and

3)    Excessive scale, mass and bulk of the proposed building being incompatible with both the existing detached residential homes and the new Marketplace retail buildings, which will adversely impact the character of existing neighborhoods

Those findings are attached in the 38-page land use petition, Bowie Advisory Planning Board # 16-02, which can also be found at  


In addition to Bowie Planning Department and Bowie Advisory Planning Board opposition to the Berman Enterprises (a.k.a. BE Bowie, LLC) apartment project plans there is significant citizen opposition. A total of 922 bowie residents have signed the attached Petition in Opposition to Market Place (Marketplace) Apartments Complex. If needed I can provide a pdf version of the petition pages. The citizen objections align with Bowie Planning Department staff observations that the building will be entirely out of place in the community and will introduce unacceptable traffic congestion on streets. Traffic volume that exceed Section 26-56 of the City Code for Level of Service “C” Average Daily Trips (ADT). With the addition of Marketplace planned business and residential components the traffic would exceed Level of Service “D” (ADT).

At the Bowie City Council meeting on January 3, 2017, the Council voted to support construction of a downsized 225-unit apartment building at Bowie Marketplace. This approval included conditions of approval outlined under Section VI Summery Recommendations, B Preliminary Plan #4-16028, recommendations 1 thru 2f. Please see page marked 38 at the end of the attached Land Use Petition. The City Council also set limits on building height to limit the structure to 3 levels near the adjacent residential neighborhood and no more than 4 levels high near the commercial buildings on-site.   

Request M-NCPPC staff examine the attached documents for supporting further reductions in building size beyond the 225-unit limit imposed by the Bowie City Council. Citizen and Bowie Planning Staff recommendations include the following design changes:

1)    Establishing a limit of 100 units, or 5 dwellings per acre on the 20-acre site that would:

a.     follow Bowie Planning department recommendations to stay in line with other development projects in Bowie (see page marked 13 of the Land Use Petition),

b.     conform with the 2006 Bowie and Vicinity Master Plan guidance to transition in building density and intensity from more intense uses located at the core of Bowie Main Street along MD 450 to less intense uses along the edge, adjacent to residential neighborhoods, and

c.     help reduce additional traffic on adjacent streets that are already over maximum level of service limits.

2)    Require a reduction in the scale, mass and bulk of the proposed building to make it compatible with both the existing detached residential homes and the new Marketplace retail buildings. See Section V Required Findings and Analysis, D, 10, (e) & (f) on pages marked 35 and 36 of the Land Use Petition.

3)    Eliminate apartment balconies facing adjacent residential homes.

4)    Reduce the footprint of the planned apartment building to one that would:

a.     Allow for both (1) a promised tall vegetation buffer between the apartment and the adjacent residential homes and (2) an access path that would accommodate emergency vehicle access to the south side of the apartment complex.

b.     Ensure adequate parking for all residents and guests of the apartment development to ensure that parking will not overflow unto adjacent park and residential streets – no exceptions to county guidelines on required parking spaces for apartment units

c.     Provide adequate space for service vehicles and customer parking for the businesses alongside the apartment building; e.g. Chaney Automotive, Harris Teeter, etc.


Please call with any questions.

Larry Swank – 301.892.0855