Tameeka Washington - Marketplace Apartment Excerpts

June 2016: "The residents who signed the petition said they felt like their city representatives did not care about their concerns.”

August 2016: “[The developer's] only concern is his bottom line and not the impact this will have on our beloved neighborhood.

September 2016: "We ask that you tell this developer the same thing council member Gardner told the developers for the Jesuit property; which is Bowie is open for business, but we are not for sale.

October 2016: “…this mad grab for developer cash from our county council and our city council is ruining our neighborhoods and running good families out of Bowie.”

November 2016: The apartment building is in the middle of a neighborhood, which will then essentially become overflow parking. I don’t know what will happen when we have snowstorms and no one is allowed to park on the street

January 2016: “We will vote you out if we feel that you our representatives are refusing to accurately reflect our wishes. It might then be too late for the Marketplace apartments, but not too late for the other development schemes you have coming down the pike like the Jesuit property.